#Berlin is also with #Paris #PrayforParis #BrandenburgerTor – Everything is expressed on my Instagram picture. pic.twitter.com/qVK7LTWPCM
— TeaSo (@TeaSoBerlin) 2015, 11月 14
SF City Hall observing Paris tragedy #SanFrancisco #paris #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/hE6s3s9uYd
— DidierTran (@DidierTran) 2015, 11月 14
Photo: The CN Tower in Toronto lit in blue, white and red to show solidarity with France in wake of #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/J2avwOTDR0
— ST Foreign Desk (@STForeignDesk) 2015, 11月 14
#Brazil Rio de Janeiro's "Cristo Redentor" is lit tonight in solidarity with #France #Paris #PrayForParis #fusillade pic.twitter.com/l5tLfqp2Hl
— djvjgrrl (@djvjgrrl) 2015, 11月 14
Tonight @TowerBridge is lit red, white & blue as mark of respect for the Paris victims #Tricolor pic.twitter.com/rkhwr8LPiq
— Propeller Club (@PropellerClubUK) 2015, 11月 14
Taipei 101 lit up last night in R/W/B for #SupportParis #TSIBD pic.twitter.com/3TC5NFGwmj
— Scott Regenbogen (@scottregenbogen) 2015, 11月 15
#PrayForParis pic.twitter.com/7HpEti9CQK
— Boston Bruins (@NHLBruins) 2015, 11月 15
#PrayForParis pic.twitter.com/j6zNozGRVt
— ノッポン弟 (@nopponotouto) 2015, 11月 15
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